March 5, 2024

Looking Ahead to 2024 with Caregivers of Mother Earth (COME)

COME turned 2 years old on February 22, 2024, and her growth seems to be akin to dog years, (7 dog years for every human year!) Yes, that would position COME in adolescence! We’re full of life and ready to fly!

How have we been able to accomplish all we’ve done to this point in time? Only through community collaboration with a generous and heartfelt outpouring of support have we landed where we are today. The community has been our source of inspiration. Over the past 2 years we’ve been able to establish a foundation for growth and 2024 appears to be unfolding like the bud opening into a fully formed flower. It’s only been possible by getting to know and working with amazing people. Yes, that would include all of you reading this and so many more! 

COME’s theme for 2024 is Make Every Day Earth Day. We will share ideas and ways for all ages to do their part as we kick it off at Hendo Earth Fest. Read more about our upcoming initiatives, events, and programs as we look ahead to 2024:

Second Annual Hendo Earth Fest - Make Every Day Earth Day

  • Coming up on April 20th, the city of Hendersonville in conjunction with the Environmental Sustainability Board, Team E.C.C.O., and a sub-team of individuals and nonprofits, including Caregiver of Mother Earth are coordinating and planning our second Hendo Earth Fest event. It will take place on Main Street in downtown Hendersonville, NC.
  • In our first year, we exceeded expectations for attendance and we heard excellent reviews from vendors and participants alike. There was good diversity across all areas of environmental sustainability, covering areas from Electric Vehicles to Community Gardens. We’re building on last year’s performance with more vendors, kid’s activities, and a wonderful lineup of musicians.
  • New to the festival will be the introduction of educational, environmental signs with facts to raise awareness on ways to “Make Every Day Earth Day.”  You can click on a QR Code and dig deeper into each topic which ranges from bringing back monarchs to the importance of planting native keystone plants. The messages will appeal to all ages as we share the impact you can have from making small changes to supporting a clean and green community!
  • Come and enjoy the day as you experience family and kid-friendly eco-crafts and over 40 eco-friendly educational exhibits. The kids will enjoy face painting, environmental arts and crafts, and much more as we all do our part to live greener lives.

Eco Kids Garden Program

  • During the fall of 2022, COME organized a collaborative partnership between The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club and AJ Whittenberg Elementary School of Engineering to form a sustainable garden club for children. The name ECO Kids has significance as E-C-O stands for Education on Environmental Topics, Collaborative Partnerships, and Open to All! We’ve created a recipe for success as we move into our third season with the ECO Kids Garden Club
  • Each club has its uniqueness based on volunteers, yet the common theme of what it means to be a Caregiver of Mother Earth is constant. We heard from the kids how much they enjoy planting and tasting fresh herbs and vegetables directly from the garden!
  • Building on the success of our first collaboration, COME has reached out to elementary schools in both Henderson and Polk Counties where we’ve had several responses to move forward! More to come as we create new ECO Kids Gardens.

Scholarships for Summer Farm & Nature Day Camps

  • In partnership with Historic Johnson Farm and the Migrant Education Program, COME is providing 10 children scholarships to attend Summer Day Camp in 2024. We intend to make opportunities for children who otherwise would not be able to attend camp. The children from last summer remarked that their favorite activities included time with the farm animals, nature crafts, and hiking. Thank you to the Community Foundation of Henderson County for funding this program!

Sensory Garden - Growing Young Sprouts in the Garden

  • Thanks to your generous donations and success with a grant from Four Seasons Rotary Club, COME has a new garden initiative we are calling, “Growing Young Sprouts in the Garden.” We’ve purchased seed starting stations for indoor seed germination to show children how our plants begin from seeds and develop into their unique plants. As the seedlings grow, each child will have a plant to take home as well as help create the sensory garden. 
  • Once outdoors we plan to create areas in the garden where children can use their imagination under the Fairy Tree or inside the Sunflower House. There will be a Three Sisters Garden with corn, beans, and squash where we can share how these crops work together and provide nourishment for our bodies. 
  • Falling in love with the natural world begins early with this family-friendly garden, inviting children of all ages to learn and experience the beauty of our natural world. 

Pollinator Garden Projects/COME Cities

  • Our cornerstone COME City, Hendersonville, NC and our second COME City, Travelers Rest are continuing to raise awareness of the importance of living sustainable lives in alignment with nature. Pollinator gardens, environmental school programs, expanding nature trails and educational signs and literature is being made available in these communities. 
  • One amazing fact everyone should know is that 14% of the keystone native trees, shrubs and perennial flowers support over 90% of insect and bird species while strengthening the web of life.

Thank you for doing your part to support COME in 2024 and beyond. We have many volunteer opportunities to get involved. Please consider participating in upcoming events to support COME's mission of environmental stewardship and community engagement.


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