COME is building “community” one garden at a time and we could use your help as a garden volunteer.
We support school gardens, park gardens and gardens at nonprofits that all require helping hands to enhance their beauty with light pruning, weeding and dividing plants in the fall to spawn new gardens! You can let me know how much time and the type of gardening you can do. We encourage all ages to participate and get to know one another working together in community.
If you would like to help, please let me know by sending your name, email and phone number. I’m sure we can find a local garden where you will find rewarding and meaningful opportunities to be of service to our children and Mother Earth.
Caregivers of Mother Earth supports our local Earth Day celebration, “Hendo Earth Fest,” sponsored by the Environmental Sustainability Board of the City of Hendersonville, NC. While we celebrate Hendo Earth Fest on the third Saturday of April each year, COME wants to raise awareness for every day to be Earth Day. We have created environmental education signs on display year round at our city operations center. Join us as we celebrate every day as Earth day!
If you would like to host a local event for Caregivers of Mother Earth, contact a member of the team today. We appreciate your support for our mission.
Hendersonville, NC, our cornerstone Caregivers of Mother Earth City as of September 1, 2022.
Becoming a Caregivers of Mother Earth City is a unifying opportunity to know one another and discover our similarities as we care for Mother Earth.