Reflections: Earth Day 2023
April 22, 2023

Caregivers of Mother Earth is founded on values that demonstrate kindness and compassion for all life.

Finding balance in our world today may be as easy as looking to nature as our guide. I often reflect on the quote from Lao Tzu, “Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished.” Caregivers of Mother Earth dreams of a world where communities value time spent in nature, allowing children to discover a world of wonderment! Nature created everything with its own purpose. Scientists now show we are connected in a web of life. Showing reverence for all life forms is critical as we raise our consciousness to higher levels.

All life is sacred.

We now realize our dependency on nature for our needs, yet many still act as if we are the ones whom nature relies upon. It’s time to awaken and show reverence for all life. Outdoor classrooms are gaining popularity as parents realize the need for their children to form a deep understanding and connection to the natural world through imagination and exploration. Creative thinking is ignited while playing outdoors. Many benefits accrue, including self- confidence and independence.

Children who experience the wonders of nature form memories that last a lifetime. Our hope is that future choices will be made that consider our impact on the environment.Small changes can reap large rewards. In the book by Doug Tallamy, Nature’s Best Hope,outlines simple changes that when collectively implemented can go a long way to reversing the trends causing species loss. Some of his changes include, adding native plants to your landscape, reducing lawns by creating pollinator gardens, and switching out white LED outside lighting for yellow LED bulbs!

We are all one in the web of life.

Plants and animals are in a symbiotic dance of life as the air we breathe comes from the plants and our out-breath returns back to them. This relationship requires balance between nature and ourselves. As we observe nature’s cycles, we can find balance. Once restored, we will be drawn to Mother Earth as our guide. Here is wisdom from a greeting card that captures the values Caregivers of Mother Earth shares with children, “Lettuce cultivate kindness and world peas for all human beans and animals too!”

“Our planet came from the stars and everything we need today is right here within Mother Earth.” Elle Travis

Live in connection with nature and observe her cycles. Come together as one, knowing that Mother Earth will provide our every need. Treat her and all life with reverence. Have fearless faith and believe that as humans find balance so will Mother Earth. May we go forward and celebrate every day as Earth Day!


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